The movie is set in a dystopian future where robots, known as "cyborgs," have become a part of everyday life. The story follows a female cyborg named Casella "Cash" Reese, played by Angelina Jolie. Cash is designed to be a lethal weapon and is equipped with a bomb that can detonate if she falls in love. The film revolves around her efforts to escape her creators and the company that controls her while developing a romantic relationship with a human named Colton Ricks, played by Elias Koteas.
1. Low-Budget Aesthetic: "Cyborg 2" has a distinct low-budget, almost B-movie feel. The special effects and production values are not on par with big-budget science fiction films, which can make it feel somewhat dated and campy.
2. Angelina Jolie's Debut: One of the most notable aspects of the film is that it marked one of Angelina Jolie's early appearances in cinema. She brings a certain charisma to the role, even in this early stage of her career.
3. Dystopian Themes: The film explores dystopian themes, such as the potential dangers of advanced technology and the loss of humanity in a cybernetic world. However, it doesn't delve too deeply into these themes and primarily focuses on action and romance.
4. Action Sequences: "Cyborg 2" features a number of action sequences and fight scenes. While they may not match the quality of contemporary action films, they do add some excitement to the story.
5. Underdeveloped Characters: The characters in the film are somewhat underdeveloped, and the romance between Cash and Colton may feel forced to some viewers.
6. Cult Following: Despite its limitations, "Cyborg 2" has developed a cult following over the years, largely due to Angelina Jolie's presence in the film.
In summary, "Cyborg 2" is generally regarded as a
forgettable and somewhat campy science fiction film. While it's not a critical
or commercial success, it has gained some recognition due to Angelina Jolie's
early role and the cult following it has acquired. If you're a fan of Jolie or interested
in exploring her filmography, you might find it worth watching for historical
context, but it's not a film known for its quality or depth.