The story unfolds with a washerman who owned a donkey known for its kind-hearted nature. So compassionate was this donkey that it prompted those who encountered it to reconsider the use of the term "donkey" as an insult for people. It highlighted the unfairness of insulting donkeys for the mistakes of humans, especially after meeting such a benevolent creature.
As the narrative delves deeper, it speculates on the lineage of this extraordinary donkey, suggesting a connection to the legendary Mahatma Gandhi. The theory postulates that Gandhi's dhotis might have been washed at the house of this washerman's grandfather, where the donkey's ancestors might have served. However, it is essential to note that Gandhi Ji believed in self-sufficiency, raising doubts about the accuracy of the tale regarding the donkey's grandparent.
This heartwarming story takes a turn to the political realm as it draws parallels between the Congress Party's claims of its substantial contribution to India's independence and the changing principles of its leaders over the years. The tale suggests that even the donkey's principles surpassed those of its own grandfather, emphasizing the need for integrity and unwavering values in leadership.
A few months ago, an unexpected encounter occurred when the narrator missed a day at the office and met the donkey. The creature appeared weak and unwell, raising concerns about its well-being. The narrator inquired about the owner's treatment, to which the donkey responded, revealing a commitment to an honest way of life. The donkey chose to abstain from consuming the food provided by its owner due to the perceived corruption involved in earning that money.
In a surprising twist, the story takes an emotional turn when, on a recent evening, the narrator was greeted by the washerman at their door. Instead of the donkey, a bicycle with clothes was in place. The washerman delivered the news that the Gandhian donkey had embarked on a hunger strike against corruption and, one day, attained heaven. However, it was pointed out that the donkey couldn't have reached heaven on its own.
The washerman offered a poignant reflection, stating that when the path to heaven doesn't present itself, one must bring heaven to those who deserve it. This profound statement serves as a reminder that honest and idealistic individuals, much like the Gandhian donkey, are rare in today's world, but their principles and values remain invaluable.
The story of this Gandhian donkey leaves us with a timeless lesson—a reminder that integrity, compassion, and unwavering principles are qualities that should be cherished and upheld, even in a world that may sometimes seem to have forgotten their worth. In a world filled with complexities and compromises, the Gandhian donkey's legacy continues to inspire and challenge us to be better, kinder, and more principled individuals.
Note : Not a real news, Work of fiction.