The film follows Al McCord (played by Danny Aiello), a somewhat eccentric and hapless truck driver, who embarks on a journey across the Mojave Desert with his daughter (played by Anne Archer) in an attempt to find her long-lost lover. Along the way, they pick up Eleanor (played by Angelina Jolie), a free-spirited, enigmatic young woman who joins them on their road trip.
Here are a few key points about the film:
1. Unconventional Romance: "Mojave Moon" is not your typical romantic comedy. It blends elements of romance, comedy, and a touch of surrealism. The central love story revolves around Al's daughter and her quest to find her lover, but the addition of the mysterious Eleanor adds a unique and unexpected twist to the narrative.
2. Character-Driven: The film relies heavily on its characters, with strong performances from the cast, especially Angelina Jolie, who shines in her role as the unpredictable and alluring Eleanor. The interactions and dynamics between the characters drive much of the humor and drama.
3. Mojave Setting: The film's backdrop in the Mojave Desert provides a visually striking and somewhat otherworldly setting. The stark and desolate landscape contrasts with the quirky characters, adding a unique atmosphere to the story.
4. Mixed Critical Reception: "Mojave Moon" received mixed reviews from critics upon its release. Some appreciated its unconventional approach and the performances of the cast, while others found the plot meandering and the humor uneven.
5. Cult Following: Over time, "Mojave Moon" has gained a small but dedicated fan base. It's often appreciated for its quirky charm and the memorable performances of its cast, especially Angelina Jolie, whose role in the film is considered one of her early breakthroughs.
In summary, "Mojave Moon" is a somewhat obscure
romantic comedy that offers a unique and unconventional take on the genre.
While it may not be a critical darling, it has found a niche audience that
appreciates its offbeat humor and memorable performances, particularly from
Angelina Jolie. If you enjoy quirky, character-driven romances set against an
unusual backdrop, "Mojave Moon" might be worth a watch.